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Managed by Sreedatta educational society


Gone are the days when experts debated whether computer and internet technology is a boon or bane! The world has evolved into a congenial global village. This evolution has been hastened and aided by smart technology. Technology has helped the world turn smarter by cutting down on procrastination and redundancies incrementally. However, we find that […]
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A new excursion can definitely focus on your own private insight with probability, since it can whole you through the help of great probability and in some cases enjoyment manufactured for all of the advantages ahead. Then again, lengthy take a trip and then enjoyment occurrences will certainly slowly result in dullness, as possible become viewing...
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Before we start, let us look at the definition of “Culture”. Culture is the characteristic features i.e. values, practices and goals shared by people living in a place or community. It helps in developing the intellectual and moral faculties of that group. Today, across the globe culture seems to be more individualistic, competitive and optimistic. […]
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When I started “Water” a new block in EVS, I asked the children” Where does water come from?” Most of them said water comes from the shops, bottles and tankers.  Actually children believe what they see and till date none of them had seen a real source of water, so that answer was expected. They […]
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मैं एक अध्यापिका हूँ | अध्यापन ही मेरी जीवन शैली है |विशेषकर इस जीवन शैली में जीन-जक्क़ुएस रूसो की स्वतंत्रता की  विचारधारा से मैं काफी प्रभावित हूँ |शिक्षा में दण्ड से आये हुए अनुशासन को मैं “न” के बराबर मानती  हूँ| बच्चों का मन बहुत कोमल होता है |उन्हें दण्ड की नहीं प्यार एवं अपनेपन […]
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