App privacy the developer my class board education solutions private limited indicated that the apps privacy practices may include handling of data as described below this information has not been verified by apple For more information see the developers privacy policy to help you better understand the developers responses see privacy definitions and examples privacy practices may vary based for example on the futu features you use are you your age.

Privacy Definitions And Examples

Learn more about the data types an app maybe collect and some of the ways that developer or its 3rd party partners may use it types of data 

Contact Info

  • Name
  • Search as first or last name
  • Email address
  • Including but not limited to a hash email address
  • Phone number
  • Including but not limited to the hash phone number
  • Physical address
  • Such as home address physical address or postal address
  • Other user contact info
  • Any other information that can be used to contact you outside the app

Health And Fitness

Health and medical data including but not limited to the information from the clinical health records API health kit API and movement disorder a Pi r for health related human subject research all any other health or medical data that you provide

Fitness and exercise data

Financial Info

Payment info
Such as form of payment payment card number or bank account number if an app uses a payment service and the payment information is entered outside the app the information will not appear in this section

Credit info
Such as credit score

Other financial info
Such as salary income assets debits or any other financial information


Precise location
Information that describes your location with the same or greater resolution as an altitude and longitude with 3 or more decimal places

Coarse location
Information that describes your location with lower resolution than a lat attitude and longitude with 3 or more decimal places such as form approximate location services

Sensitive info
Such as racial or ethnic data sexual orientation pregnancy or childbirth information disability religious or psychological beliefs trade union membership political opinion genetic information or biometric data

Search as a list of contacts address book or social graph

  • User content
  • Emails or text messages
  • Including subject line sender recipients and contents of the mail or message
  • Photos or Videos
  • Your photos are videos
  • Audio data
  • Your voice or sound recordings
  • Gameplay content
  • Such as content you generate in a game

Customer support
Data you generated during customer support request
Other user content
Any other content you generate

Browsing History
Information about content you have to viewed that in no part of the apps such as websites

Search History
Information about searches performed in the app


User ID
Search a screen name handle account ID assign user ID customer number probabilistic identifier r other user or account level ID that can be used to identify you or your account

Device ID
Such as the devices advertising identifier or other device

Level ID
Purchase history you purchase or purchase tendencies

User Data

Product interaction
Such as app launches tabs clicks scrolling information music listening data video views save place in a game video or song are other information about how you interact with the app

Advertising data
Such as information about the advertisements you have viewed

Other usage data
Any other data about your activity in the app


Crash data
Such as crash logs

Performance data
Such as launch time handcraft or energy use

Other diagnostic data
Any other data collected for the purposes of measuring technical diagnosis related to the app

Other data types
Any other data types not mentioned

Data Use
Advertising or marketing
3rd party advertising
Search as displaying 3rd party ads in the app or sharing data with entities who display 3rd party ads

Developers  Advertising Or Marketing

Such as displaying the developers own ads in the app sending marketing communications directly to you or sharing data with entities who will display ads to you


Using data to evaluate your behaviour including to understand the effectiveness of existing product features plan new features or measure audience size or characteristics

Product Personalization

Customising what you see such as a list of recommended products posts or suggestions

App Functionality

Searches to authenticate you in the app enable features prevent fraud implement security measures ensure server up time minimise app crashes improve scalability and performance or performance customer support

Purpose Any Other Usage Not Listed

Data linked to you
Data that is linked to your identity account device or other details
Personal information personal data as defined under relevant privacy laws are considered linked to you in order for data to not to be linked to you the developer must avoid certain activities after they collect it

Famous Make No Attempt To Link The Data Back To Your Identity

They must not tie the data to other data sets that enable it to be linked to your identity

Data Not Linked To You

Data that is not linked to your identity why your account device or other details

Data Used To Track You

Tracking occurs when data collected about you or your device is linked with 3rd party data for targeted advertising Measurement purpose tracking can also occur when data about you or your device is shared with data broker

Tracking does not apply in the following situations
When the data is linked solely on your device and is not sent off the device in any way that can identify you or your device

When the data broker uses the data shared with them solely for fraud detection and prevention or for security purposes and solely on the developers behalf

3rd party
3rd party data is any data about you are your device collected from apps websites or offline priorities properties not owned by the developer

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